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The Power of Journaling 

Why is journaling important? 

Journaling is a Diamond Tool of the higher consciousness, helping you to open the channels of communication between you and the Higher Wisdom of your Soul, shining the Pure Diamond Light on every facet of your life, slowly dissolving the dense layers of your human personality to gain clarity and understanding of malfunctioning programming that is at play behind the scene.

Every question asked and every question answered, to the best of your ability, brings you closer to the Truth, connecting you to the Diamond Within your sacred Heart - your True Self.

The life you are experiencing right now is the projection of your limiting beliefs on the canvas of your conscious mind, creating the illusion of the reality you are experiencing on the physical plane.

Journaling helps you to understand yourself and your emotions, unveiling the barriers of your old beliefs and exposing the hidden truth behind the emotions you feel, that are blocking you from experiencing the life you truly want and desire.

Journaling is a self-help tool, an ongoing conversation with your True Self, helping you to understand where you are right now on the spiral of life, and how to find the best path to your destiny, better understanding yourself and your emotions. 

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